Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The benefits of a support group

After a loved one dies by suicide, family members often feel alone and that no one understands.   In truth, it is hard to identify the enormous sadness and loss felt if one hasn't experienced a similar loss.  Going to a therapist to help put things in perspective is definitely a positive step.  When we first experienced our devastating loss, there was only one support group in the KC area.  We took full advantage of sharing our feelings of guilt, remorse, sadness, the hole in our hearts and the changes in our lives.  Life will never be quite the same and a "new normal" prevails. 
For the past six years, we have facilitated a support group at the Life Dynamics Building meeting the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month.  There are now groups in Independence and  North Kansas City. If you have never attended a group I would highly encourage it.  Many of our participants have made significant
steps toward their healing journey and often now help the new people who are attending for the first time. It is a safe place to cry, if need be, encourage, and share how others may have dealt with situations that arise.  Often times, it is the one place participants can still talk about their loved one.  Family and friends want us to "move on" but we know that we can move through, not on- like it never happenened.  Our group genuinely
 cares about each other and there is a bond in that room that is strong.  Even those participants who now come back now and then have a positive message for those starting this journey.   Life is a cycle and each day we get up we have the choice to make our day better or be bitter.  The clock cannot turn back but we must move forward embracing life and loving those who are a part of us. 
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  1. Our support group has been wonderful and helped me in many ways. Thanks for sharing Bon. btw, great blog!

  2. this is a great blog. Our support group has been very helpful to me

